by Audra Starkey | May 1, 2023 | De-stress, Energy, HSW, Immunity, Sleep
When getting vitamin D levels tested, many shift workers show up as being ‘deficient’. In other words, they fall short of fitting within what’s deemed to be the healthy range. However serum vitamin D, is simply a proxy marker for sun Audra Starkey | Jul 18, 2022 | Movement, Nutrition, Sleep
Are you looking at your health as if through a set of binoculars? Are you relying on one area of medicine to keep you healthy? Achieving optimal health doesn’t occur when we focus on one thing. It’s a bit like driving a car with the handbrake on as we’re unable to Audra Starkey | Jul 1, 2021 | De-stress, Nutrition
Do you rely on caffeine to get you through your shift … whether that’s in the form of a coffee, soda or energy drink? Perhaps you rely on two, three, or maybe even more for an energy hit to keep you going? Whilst I’m partial to a 1/2 strength latte or Audra Starkey | Mar 10, 2021 | HSW, Nutrition, Sleep
I was speaking at a conference on the weekend, and I asked the attendees the following question: “Do you have a lollie jar stashed in a drawer at work? There were quite a few nods in the room, and one guy even said they have a Lollie Locker! Whooska. Well, Audra Starkey | Feb 28, 2019 | De-stress, HSW, Podcast
This week I went completely solo on The Healthy Shift Worker podcast, as I’ve just returned home from holidays where I enjoyed some time away with my husband hiking in parts of New Zealand, along with having some “time out” from social media....