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Are Your Medications Causing Havoc On Your Sleep?

Are Your Medications Causing Havoc On Your Sleep?

There is a myriad of drugs that can affect our sleep, some of which include beta-blockers (prescribed for high blood pressure), selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or SSRI’s (a type of antidepressant) and, ironically, even some which are designed to enhance sleep...
Do You Experience Sugar Cravings?

Do You Experience Sugar Cravings?

Do you experience sugar cravings? Given sleep deprivation triggers the body to seek out sugar as a source of fuel for the brain, I’d say there’s a pretty good chance that you’re raising your hand right now . This is because your body is always acting on your behalf,...
Are You Eating Real Food, Or Lab Food?

Are You Eating Real Food, Or Lab Food?

Are you eating food made out a laboratory … AKA lots of ultra-processed, refined and sugar-laden foods, or more whole, real foods designed by Mother Nature? Because apart from the fact the body struggles to break down and digest these types of “foods”, according to...