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Is Low Cholesterol A Good Thing?

Is Low Cholesterol A Good Thing?

We hear it time and time again. We need to keep our cholesterol levels down. But is low cholesterol a good thing? Despite the hype that it’s a bad thing, it’s actually needed for: -optimal brain function-the synthesis of vitamin D-the formation or...
Are You Scared of Eating Fat?

Are You Scared of Eating Fat?

If your answer is yes to this question it’s not surprising given, for many years, we were lead to believe that fat and cholesterol causes heart disease.   However, this diet-heart hypothesis was later discredited as fraudulent science when the real culprit...
Why Healthy Fats Are Good For Those Experiencing Sleep Disruption.

How Healthy Is Your Shift Work Heart?

So I’ve been doing a bit of research on heart health this week thanks to a subject I’m studying at University at the moment called Clinical Examination.  My poor hubby has had to be a bit of a guinea pig for me as I hone my blood pressure taking skills in...