by Audra Starkey | Feb 16, 2023 | De-stress, Energy, Mindset, Sleep
There are a myriad of reasons that can contribute to fatigue. Some of which include low iron and an under-active thyroid. However, before spending a fortune 💰 on exhaustive testing, have you considered the real reason for your fatigue? As in – could it Audra Starkey | Jan 23, 2023 | Mindset
When you work a 24/7 roster which encompasses some pretty ruthless hours, shift work burnout is going to be inevitable. Considering sleep deprivation is often unavoidable and many employees have to work harder in today’s economic environment – burnout Audra Starkey | Jan 6, 2020 | Movement, Sleep
Having grown up in rural NSW and watched my house burn to the ground when I was just 7-years old, the images that we’re seeing right now of widespread bushfires around Australia is nothing short of heartbreaking. The sheer devastation of loss including wildlife, Audra Starkey | Mar 22, 2017 | HSW, Podcast
Healthy Shift Worker Podcast Episode: Self care is super important for shift workers because our bodies are already biologically stressed as a result of working against our natural circadian rhythms or body clock. That being said, for most people, self-care can be Audra Starkey | Nov 17, 2015 | Mindset
To anyone who has ever worked shift work before, you will know how incredibly tough and at times downright exhausting it can be. In fact, I remember coming home from work one day after an extremely stressful day (on top of it being my fourth early shift in a row),...