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Everything in Moderation – Is This Really The Key To Good Health?

We here this statement time and time again – that “everything in moderation” is the key to achieving good health. But this statement is actually incorrect.

Why? Because everybody’s version of ‘moderation’ is different.

One person might think that having 1 soft drink a day is a little, so that must be OK. On the other hand, somebody else might think that having 3 soft drinks a day is little – so that must be OK too.

But the truth of the matter is, there are some foods that we shouldn’t be eating at all. So we really need to scratch that statement – “everything in moderation” because it’s actually NOT the key to achieving good health.

A lot of food is toxic on the body, they actually do it harm. Many foods deplete our immune system and deplete our bodies of vitamins and minerals.

So it’s time to get rid of the belief – “Everything in moderation.”

A lot of us are led to believe that food found on a shelf is actually healthy. That there is some governing body authority protecting our health – but this is not true!

There are no agencies out there that protect us by checking every single ingredient for chemicals and preservatives.

Most of us take better care of our houses, our gardens, our computers and TV’s. They come with a manual, and instruction book – but we come with nothing!

We’ll walk into a grocery store and pick up a box because it says “healthy” – but never actually take the time to read the ingredients.

If you pulled up at a gas station and it said ‘sulphur dioxide’ – you would ask, “What is that?” Because you know your car won’t work if you put the wrong fuel in it. But we never ask “What ingredient is preservative 202?” that appears on our box of Krispy Kreme donuts – but we should.

The word ‘healthy’ – is not regulated by anybody. Just because it says “healthy” on the box doesn’t mean that it actually is. Which is why you want to try and avoid as much food as you can that contains artificial colours and preservatives.

Your diet should incorporate as little processed food as possible. Eat food as nature intended us too – as close to it’s original state as possible.

Food inside a box is certainly not as good for you as that which is picked off a vine or tree.

So start being very selective about WHAT you put into your mouth is … because your health is directly related to what you eat – and not just how much.


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