by Audra Starkey | Mar 26, 2015 | De-stress
The words ‘shift work’ and ‘stress’ certainly go hand in hand with one another because just lifting our weary body out of bed and into the upright position (at the most inhospitable hour), can be somewhat challenging and stressful! In fact Audra Starkey | Dec 5, 2009 | Uncategorised
Friday mornings at an airport can be chaos. It’s the start of the weekend, lots of people returning home or just wanting to get away for a mini-escape, and this is exactly how it was yesterday. All flights to all destinations were full, the check-in queues Audra Starkey | Nov 2, 2009 | De-stress
If you’ve had a stressful day at work, coming home to a cluttered house can magnify the stresses of the day..Taking a few minutes every day to focus on reducing your household clutter can go along way toward diminishing your anxiety..When you arrive home after...