by Audra Starkey | Feb 23, 2010 | Sleep
If you’re a shift worker then lack of sleep is definitely a problem. But how much sleep is enough? The standard advice that I hear from specialists is that there is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ – it’s what’s right for you. Audra Starkey | Jan 7, 2010 | Sleep
If you’ve ever experienced sleeping problems then you would almost certainly agree that any sound or disturbances whilst you’re trying to catch some shut eye is not a perfect scenario!.In fact, if you work night shift or any type of shift work and you’re trying Audra Starkey | Nov 10, 2009 | Sleep
I’d like to dedicate my next post to Tracey from Tracey’s Crafty Scraps who made a comment on my previous post that she struggles to get 3-4 hours sleep a night, let alone 6-7.There are certainly many people around the world who are plagued by Insomnia...