Obesity, Metabolic Syndrome and Immunity

Obesity, Metabolic Syndrome and Immunity

Something which is not often spoken about when it comes to immune function, is how our body composition can play a role in its ability to function at its optimum. Metabolic syndrome is defined as a cluster of conditions comprising of: – excess abdominal weight-...
Shift Work Diet:

Shift Work Diet:

If you’ve ever been on a diet before, then I’m sure the words Fat Free, Sugar Free, Weight Watchers or even the Juicing Diet may be familiar to you? Either way – the options are endless! Given many shift workers endure ongoing weight fluctuations as a result of...
Shift Work and Our Immune Systems:

Shift Work and Our Immune Systems:

As shift workers we often push our bodies to the absolute limit, and unfortunately our immune systems get knocked around as a result. Considering 80% of our immune system is found in the gut, it’s important that we support and nurture our gastrointestinal system...