If you’re like me then you probably have fights with your running shoes all of the time.
Perhaps your conversation goes something like this … “No! I just don’t want to go!!” or “Leave me alone … I don’t feel like taking you out for a walk today!” or heaven for bid … a run? Yikes!!??
Well I’ve figured a way to help stop all of the fighting so that both you and your running shoes remain happy.
You see, just like you – your shoes need exercise. It’s important that you take good care of them and help them do what they’re designed to do – and that’s to get some exercise. Now that includes giving them a good warm up stretch, as well as a good work out around the park or on your treadmill. .
So to reduce any fights with my shoes – or blatently ignoring them … I set myself up a little “Exercise Pack” the night before (see photo above) so that it’s the first thing that I look at in the morning. Yep, I put my running shoes (well I must admit mine only walk) – but along with a t-shirt, shorts, hat and i-pod it’s all there ready and waiting to go.
So now I have no excuse for neglecting my running shoes and not taking them out for a walk PLUS – it stops any fighting!! After all – I did pluck these shoes off the shelf at the department store so I have a personal responsibility to look after them.
So how about your running shoes? Are you forever having fights with them? Are they being neglected in your closet and gathering dust?
Well it’s time to dig them out of your closet and give them some exercise – after all, you will both benefit from it!
Yes, we are not friends at the moment!!! Its a bit too hot (yes, bad excuse – I know)!
My running shoes are sitting out in my bedroom right where I can see them. There is no ignoring them, and no excuses.
Good for you Matty – you're a good role model for shift workers!
The last time I wore them I got terrible blisters, better not risk it again…..LOL! XXX
Love the angle — take your shoes for a walk! So true – if you have everything ready, within reach, you will be more likely to just do it. I am going to try this for sure!
Maybe my problem is that my shoes are in my gym bag which stays in my car…??
Mine are tucked away in my closet at the moment due to me being sick forever and a day but I at least have put on some workout pants for this afternoons dance off the weight party that I have with myself. That's a great idea of putting out your exercise stuff for the morning. I do it with my kids clothes why not mine?
My best, Lynn
Thanks for the extra push! Always needed!
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I also make sure the whole kit is there so when I get up at 5.45am I don't even have to think about it. Who wants to think about this stuff so early in the morning.
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