by Audra Starkey | Sep 8, 2018 | De-stress, HSW, Mindset, Nutrition, Podcast, Sleep
As someone who works irregular hours, have you ever had any “healthy shift worker training” throughout your shift working career? Quite simply, has anyone ever entered your workplace (that actually worked shift work themselves and knows exactly what you’re Audra Starkey | May 16, 2018 | HSW, Mindset, Nutrition, Podcast, Sleep
Healthy Shift Worker Podcast: This week we head all the way to California to chat with one of my Better Sleep Program clients – Tomi Warren, who has been working shift work for 11 years as a Midwife. As a Midwife, Tomi often works with mum’s and babies in Audra Starkey | Sep 20, 2017 | De-stress, HSW, Mindset, Podcast, Sleep
Are you a nurse or midwife? If so, then you’re going to love this episode as I had the pleasure of chatting with Carmen Barry, a nurse based at the Royal Women’s Hospital in Melbourne who has been involved in the rollout of a pilot program called ‘Happy People’ Audra Starkey | Sep 6, 2017 | De-stress, HSW, Mindset, Movement, Podcast, Sleep
Happy People Program? How good does that sound?! Considering a happy workforce is always going to be way more productive when morale is high, and staff are feeling well, my first impression when I heard about this program is that it sounds too good to be true! Just Audra Starkey | Nov 16, 2016 | HSW, Podcast
Healthy Shift Worker Podcast Episode 22: Every now and then I get blown away by some the achievements of my guests who I interview on this podcast. None more so than this young lady, school girl Maddy Birt, who has launched a social media campaign called Hug the...