by Audra Starkey | Jan 7, 2015 | Early shift, Late shift, Nutrition, Recipes
I don’t know about you, but I often get bored eating the same old thing over and over again for breakfast so I decided to spice things up a little and make some banana bread for brekky instead. Whilst there’s a fair bit of flack in Audra Starkey | May 24, 2011 | Nutrition
I don’t need to tell you that there are many struggles when it comes to working shift work. In fact there are so many struggles that I even decided to write a book about it. But let’s talk about how to curb those bad eating habits. Shift workers Audra Starkey | Sep 22, 2010 | Nutrition
Now if you’ve been working shift work and struggling to lose weight for quite some time – then I’m not surprised. Because weight loss and weight gain can certainly become the bane of our existence. Shift workers are prone to eating all of the Audra Starkey | May 13, 2010 | Nutrition
I guess if you’re reading this article right now, then I don’t need to tell you that the shift work diet is not a good one. In fact, just eating food can make you feel tired – let alone working crazy hours. So as a shift worker, do you tend Audra Starkey | Mar 22, 2010 | Nutrition
Now first class nutrition is essential for absolutely everybody, whether you work shift work or not. But because you’re placing extra strain on your body by working crazy and irregular hours – then it’s even more critical that you adopt healthy...