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Resilience:  The Untold Story of a Shift Worker

Resilience: The Untold Story of a Shift Worker

As the blaring sound of an alarm clock pierces the serene and tranquil silence of the bedroom, a fatigue riddled body stirs beneath the warmth and comfort of a beautiful, yet hidden sleep sanctuary – otherwise known as a doona. The body struggles to move, as...
Shift Work Nutritional Supplementation:

Shift Work Nutritional Supplementation:

Before I set out on this journey of studying Nutrition, I was fairly adamant (actually my husband would say stubborn), that all we really needed to be healthy was to consume a diet which encompassed a variety of whole foods, void of chemicals and pesticides. Kind of...
Jet Lag, Shift Work and Your Gut :

Jet Lag, Shift Work and Your Gut :

As a shift worker, have you ever wondered why you’re constantly getting sick?  Perhaps you are so used to feeling under the weather all of the time, that it’s become the new “normal” for you. Well that’s because your body is functioning...