by Audra Starkey | Jan 17, 2015 | Recipes
This is so easy to make it’s ridiculous! A perfect recipe for when the last thing you feel like doing is slaving over a hot oven to cook dinner, or for when you’re just so exhausted after your shift, that you really can’t be bothered to do Audra Starkey | Sep 19, 2014 | Nutrition
I have to admit as a kid growing up I really disliked tomatoes. Mum used to put them in my sandwiches and I’d be forever dragging the slices out because they made my sandwich go all soggy! But fast forward a few years on – OK maybe LOTS of years, I Audra Starkey | Jul 21, 2014 | Nutrition
It’s been a crazy kind of day at work today with lots of oversold flights so it was good to walk out the door and into the fresh air and sunshine. After a long (and wee bit stressful) 10 hour shift, by the time I got home my body was craving a supercharged Audra Starkey | Aug 27, 2013 | Movement
Well it’s back to work tomorrow after 2 blissful weeks away on holidays. Whilst it was a short break, we certainly made the most of it by spending a great deal of time outdoors including basking in the winter sunshine of Far North Queensland, bush walking through Audra Starkey | Aug 6, 2011 | Uncategorised
Are you tired, unmotivated and struggling to overcome a high rate of sick leave? That’s not a trick question by the way. Because when you work shift work the term ‘sick leave’ pretty much goes hand in hand. In fact it’s pretty much a given when...