Morning Light and Fatigue

Morning Light and Fatigue

The number 1 most commonly used drug in the world today is coffee, and this is because the vast proportion of the population is not exposed to the morning light. We’ve moved from spending so much of our lives outdoors, to a completely indoor one and shift workers are...
HSW 47 – Gut Health, Probiotics and Sleep with Dr Jason Hawrelak.

HSW 45 – Shift Work Cognition with Emily Breese.

Do you struggle with poor memory?  Perhaps you leave sticky notes everywhere as a reminder so that you don’t forget things?  Well if you work shift work, chances are you answered “yes” to that question and have experienced bouts of ‘forgetfulness’ thanks to...
Shift Work Nutrition:

Shift Work Nutrition:

As a fully fledged Clinical Nutritionist (wow, I can finally say that now after completing a Bachelor of Science degree last week), I have to say there’s certainly a lot of emphasis in our training on WHAT our clients are eating, which undeniably plays a huge...