Do you need a metabolic reset?

Take my free metabolic & circadian health quiz to calculate your score and unlock expert tips

Overwhelmed by working 24/7?

Check Your Metabolic and Circadian Health Score

Check Your Metabolic and Circadian Health Score

Shift work can significantly impact your metabolic and circadian health. Take this quick and insightful quiz to find out how your current lifestyle and habits may be affecting your health.

We'll then send you personalised tips and strategies to help you to improve it, that will have a positive impact on your energy levels, sleep quality and overall well-being including your waistline 😊.

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1. Do you often skip meals, particularly breakfast?
2. Do you experience digestive issues such as bloating, constipation, or acid reflux?
3. Has your sleep worsened and you don’t feel rested anymore?
4. How frequently do you reach for snacks during the day and/or night?
5. Do you have any of the following conditions? (Check all that apply)
6. How often do you consume processed or fast foods?
7. Does your work day involve working indoors under artificial lights?
8. How stressed do you feel on a regular basis?
9. Do you often eat meals at irregular times due to your work schedule?
10. Do you have any of the following conditions? (Check all that apply)
11. Do you experience brain fog or lack of concentration?
12. Does your work day involve sitting in front of a computer all day?
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